Big news! Here is something that has been in the works for some time and is finally coming into fruition. The Arizona Brewing Co.'s name has been resurrected and so has A-1 Pilsner Beer, and our friends at Sonoran Brewing Co. are a big part of it! You can expect A-1 to be released on store shelves by February 2017. Here is the official brewery announcement:
The Arizona Brewing Company name and Brands including their flagship brand A-1 Pilsner is currently on the fast track becoming a reality again. John L Rivers IV a 25 year veteran of the Wine, Beer and Spirit Industry has aligned with longtime Arizona resident and Brew Master Zach Schroeder to replicate the original recipes including defining the exact water structure, German malt and hops that would have been used during the 1950’s when the A-1 Pilsner was the top selling beer in Arizona. The brands are being given an updated look but making sure we stay a Locally Owned and Produced beer using the best ingredients producing the best beer is our goal at Arizona Brewing Company. We are excited to relaunch A-1 Beer keeping with everything Arizona and staying true to the history and heritage of the Brands. Visit the website for more information and for the latest on the relaunch. Check out for more info.